Coming Home To My Inner Wisdom

Carlie Bartle - Soulful C
3 min readJul 2, 2021

The most beautiful thing I have discovered about my spirituality or inner wisdom and knowing is that it has always been with me. The fact that I had buried it deep after years of conditioning was something I’m sure most of you can relate to.

So although when I started to delve into my inner wisdom, I thought it was new, I began to realise it had been there all along.

It comes when you’re ready for it, and, after working on myself with the inner child and shadow work, I started to recognise elements that I had been using my whole life and were unaware of. I’m a hugely empathetic person and, in some circumstances, can feel others pain and heartache. This has been with me my whole life and gave me an inner knowing when meeting people. I would have a level of understanding of what was happening to them, and without knowing it for years, I had taken on others thoughts and feelings, much to the detriment of myself.

I never understood why I would feel so low being around certain people or overwhelmed and stressed in a busy shopping centre and have always been able to tell when people are holding in thoughts and feelings, especially when they are low or negative.

I carried with me a responsibility that I needed to fix others problems, and I now know this was my way of trying to shift others energy from myself, not the right way to do it by any means, but I had floundered by like this for many years.

Through exploration and help from others who walk the path ahead of of me, I have found ways to protect my energy and discovered in the most beautiful way that I can use my energy to help others without taking on their problems. Learning that I’m simply the conduit or the vessel enabled me to gain control and understanding rather than treating it with fear.

I’m discovering ways every day of using my inner wisdom re-learning how to use them to help. myself and others, and learning most importantly to trust it

For all of us, it’s a continuous learning curve. I would highly recommend reading more about it, going to some groups or reaching out to people that can guide you on your journey but be mindful not to get sucked down the rabbit hole, lol. It can quickly become all-consuming as it’s fascinating working with energy or discovering your guides. All that uncovering of what we already on soul level know is so much fun. You feel so euphoric it can become all-consuming for sure, so as with everything, it’s all about balance.

We at Soulful C’s are all about helping women discover what was there all along, its such a beautiful journey and one we love to share with you all.

Big Love




Carlie Bartle - Soulful C

Helping Women create a healthy relationship with themselves and others